
8:30am, 10am, 11:30am every Sunday | 90 Bethlehem Road, Tauranga

Join Us This Sunday!

8:30am, 10:00am, & 11:30am

90 Bethlehem Rd

Plan your Visit

If it’s your first time coming to a gathering at Bethlehem Baptist Church, we want to do everything we can to make you feel welcome! Our friendly team will meet you at the doors, give you tea/coffee, take you to your seat, and is available to meet you after the service as well.

What to Expect

On any given Sunday, you will first see our friendly car-parking team directing you to available parking spaces on-site.

Our welcome team will greet you at the door and assist you to find the kids’ check-in if you would like to register your child for our pre-school or primary in-service programme. For those with babies under the age of 1, a hosted parents’ space is also available in the Chapel.

Our 70 min services include time for contemporary praise and worship as well as a relevant message. We also live stream the service into the Chapel and Cafe for those who prefer a church experience with reduced volume and lighting.

Next Steps

Find out more about BBC and your next steps to get connected.


Our Kids programmes run at every service, for children aged 1 until they finish primary school.


A service specifically for ages 11 – 13 years old that is separate to, yet runs parallel to our main church services.


A night for high schoolers aged 13-18 years. It is a non-smoking, alcohol-free and drug-free event that happens every Wednesday night during the school term.

Join a Group

There's nothing better than doing life together and building genuine friendships that last beyond a Sunday. We have groups for every age and stage of life and invite you to be a part of one!
To find out more and be a part of a Group, please get in touch by clicking the link below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I park?

There is ample parking available onsite, including designated mobility car parks.

I have kids. Do you offer a children's programme?

BBC Kids runs during every Sunday service. We have age-specific programmes for children up to 12 years of age. You can register your kids as soon as you arrive, and will be contacted if you are needed throughout the service.

I have a baby, are there facilities for parents?

We have a space for parents with babies in the Chapel. Our services are linked via TV so that you can enjoy the service while looking after bubs.

I have a disability or additional access needs. Are there accessible facilities?
  • We have mobility car parks available close to the doors. Just let our car parking team know and they can show you to a park.
  • We have a friendly Welcome Team at the church doors, in the main foyer or at the information desk if you need any help or have any questions. Please don’t hesitate to approach someone from the team.
  • We also have mobility toilets on the ground level.
  • There are gaps in the seating arrangements in the auditorium to leave spaces for wheelchairs/mobility devices.